About me

Not very interesting I would say, but here is some info:

Here my GPG Public key

BTC: bc1qcr5ysh03rkmx7p5c92txdcmlp02w2ue3gukj42 [for donations or something like that]


I am a Wikipedia volunteer: little stuff, spelling and syntactical corrections, some link adjustments and little else. As a child, I used to spend many hours reading the entries in the paper encyclopaedia I had at home, and even now my favourite activity is surfing the Internet. I learn a lot by correcting Wikipedia entries as well as by browsing the web.

Why I wrote this site with emacs?

There are several reasons:

Why I wrote this site?

Because I needed a space where I could publish my stuff freely, when I needed it, not giving a damn about design, graphics and other nonsense. Pure text and pure utility. There is even an encrypted access section (well, more or less :-)

Why "kickmule"?

I no longer remember it. It was the first username I used on the Internet, almost 30 years ago now, and I have always kept it.

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kickmule $Mon 29 May 2023 08:17:26 PM UTC$ - Writed with Emacs